Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring Festivities

Spring is a great time of the year. Everything seems new and fresh. It also goes by in a blink of an eye especially in Utah. Seriously it goes from blizzards and icicles to scorching heat and sunshine in a few short weeks and Spring just flies on by. Today was one of those rare, beautiful spring days. Sunny with a slight breeze and about 60 degrees, but of course that can't last and tomorrow its supposed to snow...surprise!

With spring come some super fun things like spring break and prom. Spring break was a little over 3 weeks ago and keeping with tradition I went to Las Vegas. It was so relaxing and just plain fun. I went down with my little brother and my cousins Travis and Denali. We spent the week with our grandparents and it was nice not having to share them with all the other cousins :) While we were down in LV it was my cousin who lives there, Claire's, 20th birthday. What did we decide to do for her? Well after a nice dinner we made this epic fort. I mean what 20 year old doesn't want a fort?? It was super comfy and quite large. We fit 5 people in it to watch movies and eat goodies. It was definitely a unique present!

Next up we have prom. The dance that everyone looks forward to all year, especially the seniors. My last high school dance ever. Girls started dress shopping and tanning weeks before. I'm definitely not that type of girl but to be honest, I really wanted to go. I mean this was my one and only senior prom. As prom approached I still hadn't been asked. And to make it even better my little sister was going with my ex-boyfriend (weird that I have one of those :P). But wishing and feeling sorry for yourself does no good. Would I really care about this in a year or even a month? Not really, so I just figured that I wasn't going to go and was okay with it. My self esteem did not ride enough on getting asked to have my cousin take me despite my aunt's offer. I would definitely rather just sit home with ice cream :) Then a week before prom I got asked!! Twice in one night! Really? That would happen to me...

Anyway, I decided to with Mitch. I've known him since we were four and he was my first real crush back in junior high. So I bought the perfect dress and even better shoes. Prom was fantastic and to top it all off Jessica was in my group! The day activity, dinner, the dance, and after activity were all perfect! It was an eventful night and I had so much fun. Jessica even got named Prom Queen!

Pictures to come!!! (as soon as I can get blogger working on my account!)

Oh and Jessica and I won tickets to Brad Paisley and David Archuleta this summer at Stadium of Fire!!

And also Braveman was tonight and was absolutely hilarious!! Seriously these boys had me laughing so hard my stomach hard. Best event ever!! Who wouldn't want to go watch the best guys in the school battle it for the title of Mr. Braveman?? It was awesome :) thanks Lisa for putting it all together!!

1 comment:

Amy Beth said...

your going to stadium of fire?!?! JEALOUS!!