Monday, June 13, 2011

I think I'm gonna like it....

This morning I registered for my classes at BYU this fall. Picking my classes made college seem so much closer and honestly I can't wait to go!! I know I'm going to miss my home and family so much but right now all I can think about are all the exciting adventures that await me at BYU!

Guess what else? On Tuesdays I only have one class and I'm done at 9 am :) and on Thursdays I'm done by 10. What about MWF?? I dont start class until 11 and I'm done at 3. Look at all that free time...but then my dad keeps reminding me that's actually homework/job time :( what a killjoy

On another note, I have an amazing friend. Well actually all my friends are amazing but this particular one got a mini movie made about her :) check it out here.

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