Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Well before I continue I must clear some things up. I had my dad a bit worried when I wrote about the boys basketball team. This list of people is not necessarily the 30 most influential people in my life. They are people I admire, look up to, and love. They are the people who make me smile and make me want to be better. It would take way too much brain power to pick the top 30 influential people in my life; there are so many! Also do not be offended if I don't write about you! I love you all, really I do, but I can't possibly write about every great person out there.

My #17 is going to have to be Brianna. She is wonderful! She is cute, happy, and giggly. We are going to be roomies next year down at BYU (that is if I'm accepted!!! Hurry up letters) and I couldn't be more excited! She's an amazing dancer and is so graceful :) Definitely a little jealous of that because I'm cursed with the "Dilley Grace". I love being around her because of the smiles she brings. I'm honestly so excited for next year and can't wait to room with her! I know we'll have a blast just because we'll be together!

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