Thursday, February 17, 2011

#18, #19, and #20

wow. I have been so busy lately with Amy's wedding coming....TOMORROW!!!! aaahhh!!! I can't even believe it's happening! I'm super excited for them and can't wait for Garrett to officially become part of our family.

I meant to blog yesterday, really, but I just never found a time. I had it all planned out and everything. #18 is my cousin Wade. I wanted to do it on the 16th because in exactly one month from then (March 16), Wade goes into the MTC for his mission to Everett, WA! He's going to be a great missionary. He's easy going and just comfortable to be with. He's the cousin closest to my age and we've been friends ever since we were little. I love hanging out with him and would rather just watch a movie or play a board game with him than go out with my friends. I already know I'm going to miss him so much when he leaves but I couldn't be more thrilled that he is going!

My #19 and #20 (I'm getting a day ahead because I know I'm not going to have time tomorrow) is Amy and Garrett! They are awesome and totally belong with each other. Amy and I have been best friends since birth, well my birth. We don't always get along perfectly as most sisters but we do love each other and understand each other. In high school I loved that she let me hang out with her and her friends. We have had some pretty great times and I love how crazy she can be. Garrett on the other hand is not so wild. He's got a sense of humor that fits right in with our family. When we met him he just had a familiarity about him where I knew he would be family. I love that he knows my music and he has pretty good taste minus that screamy stuff like Chivelle and Thrice, yuck. I'm so excited for them, I can't even describe it!!!!!

I'll blog ASAP with wedding details and pictures! Also tomorrow = 1 year of blogging!!! YAY :)

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