Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Only the Beginning

Volleyball has begun. On monday the first of three camps started. It was fun seeing my team after such a long break and it was fun to play again. Although club volleyball has only been over for about six weeks, it seems like forever since I've played. And it definitely shows. Even with doing my summer conditioning, fter the first day I was so sore I couldn't stand up without groaning like an old women...scary. I'm just glad that I was not the only one feeling that way and today we had a Icy Hot party! Lets hope I am still alive at the end of these three weeks...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Playing Catch Up

This summer has been filled with so much fun I haven't really found time to blog about it. Instead of doing a post for each event I'm just going to combine them into one long one. So you've been warned now...

Starting with July 13, I went to Coyote Gulch with the laurels in my ward. We had so much fun! There were only four us (Jessica, Beth, Cassidy, and I) and we were outnumbered by our leaders. We began our trip by heading to my family's cabin where we spent the night. I guess I should clarify that the night wasn't spent sleeping but rather talking and giggling as 17 year olds tend to do. Then early the next morning we set out for Escalante where our hike was. The first part of the trip was along sand and slick rock. My shoes were filled to the brim with sand within 10 minutes of hiking. But everything got better once we hit what was called the Crack in the Wall. We had to lower our backpacks with rope and climb down the a thin crack. The rest of the trip was filled with river running, rock scrambling over boulder jams, pretty waterfalls, and lots of laughs.

The last day we had to rock climb out of the gulch and hike back to the cars. Instead or driving straight home we made a stop at some slot canyons and did a little day hike. The nature and landforms we saw throughout the whole trip were absolutely breathtaking. It was nice to be able to have a break from our busy lives and enjoy the great our doors.

The next week I headed off to Youth Conference held at snow college. It was fantastic! I had so much fun and made so many new friends as we went with the whole stake. We were only there for three days but every second was packed full of fun. We did a ropes course the first day which I came away with many new bruises and feeling like I could conquer anything. I climbed walls, jumped from a balance beam 30 feet off the ground, and many other obstacles. We also had a dance, a gigantic water fight (which the 20th ward dominated), got blasted by a fire truck hose held by our stake president, played field games and went to the Manti pageant. We also ate very well. Youth conference ended with great morningside and another delicious breakfast.

On Sunday we had a fireside about our Youth Conference experience. There was slideshow full of pictures taken throughout our trip, talks by leaders in the stake, and then four youth were called out of the congregation to share their testimonies. Guess who got called out?? That's! It was super scary but I am glad I got to share my testimony with the youth of my stake and share what a great experience I had.

The days I am home are filled with just as much fun. I spend lots of time with my cousin Denali and we always find something fun to do. I am so lucky that she lives so close! We have become pro smoothie makers and have one almost every night. Some of our adventures include a drive in movie, sleepovers on the trampoline, doing my horrid volleyball summer conditioning (yuck), and spending as much time as possible in the sun :)

Glad to be all caught up and I'm gonna try really hard to stay on top!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Off to the Coyote Gulch for a Laurel's backpacking trip! Be back Wednesday night :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I finally watched Titanic for the first time. It was so unbelievably amazing. I can't believe I've gone this long without seeing this timeless movie. I'll admit I cried and also fell in love with Leonardo Dicaprio.

Another good movie I saw recently was Dear John. If you haven't seen it yet I recommend you do and be prepared to shed some tears.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Tour of China

Today I went on a hike with Andy, Jessica, Matt, and Adam. We had so much fun. The waterfall at the end was spectacular and the perfect picnic spot. On the way back we were lucky enough for Matt, known as "Hung Pho", to give us a tour of "China". We saw tiger rocks, Buddha Belly trees, pigmy dragons, and learned about (and tried) many of the wild herbs we saw. He was the perfect tour guide and had us laughing the whole way.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


YAY!! Its finally here, but it still hasn't completely hit me yet. I feel like I'll be going back to school on Monday...yuck. Anyway, these two days of summer have been filled with so much. Starting from when school got out on Thursday afternoon until now I have gotten ice cream, played at a park, had a fire in Matt's orchard, listened to scary stories told by Matt's dad, explored the haunted orchard, freaked myself out, eaten creamies, had a sleepover where we actually slept, made a delicious breakfast, had a swim party, painted bleach shirts, had rootbeer floats, learned to shoot a bow and arrow, and gone shopping. Its been pretty eventful and super fun! I have been able to spend this time with all my friends many who I haven't hung out with in forever. This is just the beginning of a great summer!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

North Dakota

24 Dilleys + 40 plus hours in a car + 1 powwow + 2 indian names + 3 water slides + 52 pretzels + 1 long bridge + many cemeteries + bongo bongo sightings + the great state of North Dakota = ONE FABULOUS MEMORIAL WEEKEND!!!!