Tuesday, May 31, 2011


At the end of each school year, BHS holds Bravestock. There's games, food, music, and various activities. This year I played on a volleyball team. I had sooo much fun playing again. It has definitely been way too long. Most of the girls on my team also played on the school team so we were pretty good :) Unfortunately we lost in the finals to a team full of basketball players and our varsity setter. I actually didn't mind losing because it was just so fun!! The end score was 27-25 so its not like they killed us, or maybe I would be a little upset.

Thanks Jessica for taking some action photos :)

It still hasn't totally hit me that I've only got 2 more days of high school left!!! Graduation will be here in a blink of an eye...still having mixed emotions about that...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Some thoughts

Things I hate:

Cold showers
Being Late
Getting seconds then realizing you're not even hungry but you eat it anyway because it's already on your plate

Things I love:

Ice Cream...seriously how can anything be that good??
Getting the mail and getting mail (there's a difference)
Social Experiments at Walmart ;)
New clothes, especially when they're on sale, thank you memorial weekend!

Oh and by the way.......I'm graduating this week....say whaaat??? I thought the new blog look was appropriate :)

Also, I found my bro takin a nap today and couldn't resist snapping some pics...haha

Hope your having a spectacular sunday!!

Friday, May 27, 2011


YAY!! I just got on the computer and was checking some of my blogs when I clicked on one to make a comment out of habit. For the 6 weeks or so it hasn't let me because blogger doesn't work on my computer, but by some miracle it worked!! So I quickly clicked to my blog and tried to log in and IT WORKED!!! so folks....I"M BACK!!

Well there is just so much to catch up on I think the best way would to just do a picture post! Enjoy!!

Remember that fort from spring break? Well here it is!

PROM!!!! :) :)

Spending a day in Provo with Amy! Just eating some J-dawgs...seriously sooo good!

STOMP!!! Like a dance, but better!

Senior Pics.

Seminary Graduation with the wardies!