Monday, June 27, 2011

See ya later!!

Off to Park City tomorrow for a senior trip with the girls :) so so so excited!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

"I'm a runner" - Kevin Malone, The Office

Jessica and I have decided that we are going to get in really good shape this summer and have worked out everyday this week. I've never been a long distance runner and I definitely never thought I'd enjoy running so much. Turns out I love it!! I feel like I have so much energy and after a good run I feel so good. And with my eating habits (I eat a lot) it's probably a really good thing for me. At the end of the summer we're going to find a 10K to run and I'm actually super excited :)

image via google

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sooo Good

I've never really watched So You Think You Can Dance until this season and it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. These people are seriously so talented. This is probably my favorite dance so far; it actually gave me goosebumps!

Also this was our FHE treat last night. And this is why I work out! They were easy to make and so yummy

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Love You!

Happy Father's Day. Thanks for teaching me to put others first, to be honest in everything I do, and the joy of anticipation.

I sure do love my penny pinching, math magician, pancake making daddy :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5 things I'd rather do than clean out the window wells

1) Eat Broccoli
2) Kill a Spider
3) Listen to Friday
4) Shave my head
5) Listen to Friday while shaving my head, eating broccoli, and killing an army of spiders

Can you guess what I spent the morning doing??

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Flag Day

I think Flag Day is a holiday that gets overlooked. I think it's a holiday that needs a little more recognition. This year in honor of Flag Day there was a Relief Society Patriotic Dinner held tonight. And since I'm all old and grown up now I get to attend! Along with yummy food and funny mom stories, we also had the privilege of hearing from a military man. He told us the the story of the Star Spangled Banner and then we sung it after. It was pretty moving to hear that story from someone who has spent his life defending the Flag and our country. I even got goosebumps when we sung...

This is the flag that flew above Fort McHenry that Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner about.

Image via google

Monday, June 13, 2011

I think I'm gonna like it....

This morning I registered for my classes at BYU this fall. Picking my classes made college seem so much closer and honestly I can't wait to go!! I know I'm going to miss my home and family so much but right now all I can think about are all the exciting adventures that await me at BYU!

Guess what else? On Tuesdays I only have one class and I'm done at 9 am :) and on Thursdays I'm done by 10. What about MWF?? I dont start class until 11 and I'm done at 3. Look at all that free time...but then my dad keeps reminding me that's actually homework/job time :( what a killjoy

On another note, I have an amazing friend. Well actually all my friends are amazing but this particular one got a mini movie made about her :) check it out here.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This is post number 101. Last post was 100 (obviously) but I didn't know that so I failed to recognize it. Anyway I think that 101 is just as note worthy. In honor of post 101 I thought about doing something cute like "101 things about Melissa" or "101 places to go, books to read, and movies to see". But to be honest I don't really feel like writing a huge long list and I'm sure you don't want to read it either.

Instead I thought I'd give you the watered down version. So here's a list of 10 thing I feel you should know.

1)I'm blogging from my brand new laptop I received from my parents as a graduation gift. I love it lots :)

2)Read the book Life Expectancy. I promise you wont regret it. It has a unique plot, it's hilarious, a bit scary, and very well written.

3)If I could be anyone else in the world it would probably be Zooey Deschanel just because she is just so dang cute. I love her style, music, and quirkyness(i'm pretty sure I just made that word up).

4) Letter writing/receiving is the best.

5)I'm slightly obsessed with John Mayer

6)Bears Beat Battlestar Galactica

7)I LOVE when guys dress up...they look so good

8)I really like avocados and Reece's peanut butter cups...but not together

9)My celebrity crush is either Ryan Reynolds, Chad Michael Murray, or Joseph Gordon-Levitt

10)I could watch The Young Victoria, She's the Man, and Dear John over and over again.

To make this a true 101 list I need to add a 1 at the end. Here is 1 thing that pretty much sums up my life right now

As soon as I transfer all my pictures and such to my new computer I'll post about the last week of school and graduation :)