Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy (Belated) Birthday Mommy!!

Another belated birthday wish. I promise I thought about posting on time, but once again life got in the way. Anyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY! There is so many great things about my mom, there is no way I could post all of them. I limited it down to the top 10 things that make my mom who she is.

1. Her unique laugh - anyone who has never heard it, is missing out
2. She is an optimistic alto and her kidneys are just fine
3. Sometimes I'm confused who is the child in our relationship
4. The way she watches movies - I can't really explain in, you just have to experience it yourself
5. Her new recipes that never really turn out
6. She is the most dedicated student I know and will make the best nurse
7. She loves to match with my dad only because it bugs him
8. She love of chocolate - which I have definitely inherited
9. She still helps me with my papers even though I am in the 11th grade
10. She is the most loving and accepting person

I love you Mommy! It's 29 again right??

FYI - This picture was candid. My parents really do just stare lovingly at each other!! Its one of my favorite pictures of my mom!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Here!!

Today is the first day of spring! The weather is absolutely gorgeous outside and it's nice and sunny :)And guess what? I actually had to use my air conditioner in the car today. Life couldn't get better

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Pretty much the most dangerous place in the world would have to Bountiful High's parking lot... seriously. To prove my point I have a little anecdote.

Setting: BHS parking lot. Time: 7:28ish am. Characters: Nameless reckless driver and me.

On this particular Tuesday morning, I was running a bit late. I hurriedly parked, and took off towards the school so as not to be marked tardy. As I was crossing through the parking lot, I noticed a HUGE truck coming in my general direction. But as I was standing right in the middle of the lane, the thought of not being seen didn't even cross my mind. It wasn't until I realized the driver of this car was not looking at the road but rather for a parking spot, that I realized she wasn't stopping for me. I tried to jump out of the way but it was too late...BAM! I was hit. The End

Point proven...BHS parking lot= danger!! This little story may have been written to sound a bit worse then it actually was. I was hit, but there was no blood, tears, or broken bones. I was, however, left a bit sore and with a cool story.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Get Your Game On

This weekend was the Senate Dance at school. The theme was Get Your Game On, so everyone was to dress up as a game (board game, video game, sport, etc). It was a girls choice dance and I asked Michael. We decided to dress up like the board game clue. We definitely had the best costumes there, but then again I am a bit biased. In my group we had Jessica and Matt, Cubby and Brianna, and Michael and me.

For our day activity Morgan and Kiana came with us, and we went on a picture scavenger hunt in the pouring rain/snow. We had a list of pictures to take and only an hour and a half to finish as many as we could. So we split up into two teams and took off. On my team it was Morgan, Kiana, Michael, and me. Unfortunately we lost, but we had so much fun it didn't even matter. Some of the things on the list were: battling with Pokemon cards, in BK with crowns, and in the air.

After out day activity we went home to get ready for the dance. Then we all went to Jessica's house for a delicious dinner. When Michael and I showed up, we were amazed at everyone's costumes, they were all dead on. We ate, talked, and laughed...a lot. After doing the whole picture ritual, we headed off to the dance. We impressed everyone with our outfits and danced non-stop. After the dance ended we went back to my house completely exhausted. Once we got to my house we ate Skookies (yummy cookie, ice cream, carmel, and chocolate dessert) and played clue. Guess who was the murderer....ME (Miss Scarlet)!!!

This whole dance was fantastic and one of the best I've been to!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy (Belated) Birthday Daddy

My Dad's birthday was on the 11th of March, but I was having another chaotic week and today was the soonest I was able to post. So...Happy Birthday Daddy!!! Thanks for:

Making Pancakes every Saturday
Going to my volleyball games/tournaments
Playing 5 crowns with me (even when I kill you every time hehe)
Bringin' home the bacon
Making sure we have scriptures and prayer every morning
Being a worthy priesthood holde

I love you!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Dear Mother Nature,
Please send spring as quick as you can. I can tell its coming soon, but not nearly as fast as I need it to. My shorts, t-shirts, and sandals deserved to be worn after being stored all winter long. I want to go swimming, hiking, and most of all sun-bathing. And for the sake of everyone I need a tan. Thanks
Love Melissa

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Brand New and Blue

After dealing with a broken phone for the past little while, I finally got a new phone!! I absolutely love it! Everything works right and texting is super fun with the QWERTY keyboard! To make everything better it is a bright blue with a designed back. Its wonderful :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fantastic Weekend :)

This weekend was so wonderful! Not only were my cousins form USU able to come down for the weekend, but also my Mutti and Papa were able to come up from Las Vegas. Thomas was performing in the play, Mulan, at the Jr. High, so they came to watch him. I was lucky enough to go twice to the play. Thomas did a great job as Chi-Fu, the annoying emperor's assistant. I also got to go shopping with my cousins Claire and Denali at the Gateway, an outdoor mall and weather was absolutely perfect. The rest of the weekend was just spent hanging out with family and eating yummy food! It was a much needed break from the stresses of school.

Thomas as Chi-Fu:)