Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Pretty much the most dangerous place in the world would have to Bountiful High's parking lot... seriously. To prove my point I have a little anecdote.

Setting: BHS parking lot. Time: 7:28ish am. Characters: Nameless reckless driver and me.

On this particular Tuesday morning, I was running a bit late. I hurriedly parked, and took off towards the school so as not to be marked tardy. As I was crossing through the parking lot, I noticed a HUGE truck coming in my general direction. But as I was standing right in the middle of the lane, the thought of not being seen didn't even cross my mind. It wasn't until I realized the driver of this car was not looking at the road but rather for a parking spot, that I realized she wasn't stopping for me. I tried to jump out of the way but it was too late...BAM! I was hit. The End

Point proven...BHS parking lot= danger!! This little story may have been written to sound a bit worse then it actually was. I was hit, but there was no blood, tears, or broken bones. I was, however, left a bit sore and with a cool story.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

It really is a dangerous place... I'm scared every time I walk in the parking lot. I'm really glad you're okay though, and that the damage wasn't too serious. :)