Monday, December 13, 2010

A Regis Christmas

On Friday night we had our Regis Family Christmas Party! We started off the night by doing some Christmas shopping for a family in need. Last Christmas our grandma gave each family a glass jar that we were to put all our spare change in throughout the entire year. At Thanksgiving we brought all our coins together and counted it all up. We used this money to do the Secret Santa. We split up into teams and raced through the stores finding what was on our team's list. We had such a good time.

After we finished up shopping we went into Salt Lake to the Gallivan Center to go ice skating in the outdoor rink. It felt so Christmasy skating in the chilly air all bundled up in our scarves and mittens. It was an adventure helping the little cousins skate. Even Grandma got out on the ice!

After some delicious hot cocoa, the adults headed home and all the grandkids went to Grandma's house for a giant sleepover! We made mini pizzas, played games, and watched a movie. Although most of my cousins are a lot younger than me I'll admit that most of them stayed up later than I did. Not only did they stay up late, but they also got up quite early! So I was up a bit earlier than I would have liked but Grandma's delicious breakfast made up for the lost sleep. Our parents rejoined us during breakfast and we wrapped all the gifts purchased from the night before. This was definitely a Christmas party to remember!!!

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