Sunday, January 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge

My little sissy Emily started this 30 day challenge. I've always thought about doing one but have never gotten around to it, so I decided to join her :) The challenge is to blog everyday for 30 days about someone who has made an impact on my life. It only seemed appropriate to start it off with...drumroll please........EMILY!!

Where to start? Well I guess the beginning! When we were little, I'll admit, I was terrified of her. Even though she was almost two years younger than me, she had no problem bullying me around and beating up on me. She could be the sweetest girl one moment and the next second have a complete transformation into a little terror. Let me just say she kept things interesting at our house. Even though I might have been scared of her, we loved to play together. We spent hours and hours playing barbies, polly pockets, and dress up. She still has the best imagination :)

Now that we're older, I'm no longer am pushed around by her. In fact, I'd almost say its the other way around now! Over the past few years we have even grown closer to each other with our other sisters out of the house. I could spend hours talking with her about the newest boy or friend drama (mostly on her side since my life is pretty dull). I tell her everything and she listens. Best of all, she can keep a secret.

She musically talented, participating in the school choirs and musicals. I'm jealous of her natural dark complexion (seriously tan year round) and cute dimples. She's gets my weird sense of humor and shares many inside jokes with me. She is bursting with personality and energy. I love who she is and wouldn't change a thing about her.

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