Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cool School

This week my school was named "cool school of the week" by Fox 13. A bunch of school clubs and committees, along with the officers, met together and were filmed showing how "cool" our school really is. This meant I had to be at school very, very early, 5:45 to be exact. The only way to get teenagers to show up this early is to bribe them. So after a breakfast of delicious Costco muffins, the filming started. Mostly everyone just sat on the bleachers coloring packets as a service project and then cheered really loud at the right time. Because it was filmed live, we would do a 5 min section then wait 15-20 min before doing another 5 min section. It took a long time and we were there from 6-9, missing our first period class :) Each section focused on a different part of the school. Their was a section on the cheerleaders, band, jazz band, swing club, drill team (state champs!!), academics, and a mini spirit bowl. I got to participate in the spirit bowl, which is a competition between the grades. My even was the ice cream sunday building. The twist? I was standing on a ladder dropping the ice cream and toppings into a cup held by my partners mouth who was laying below. Luckily he had goggles and a plastic bag for protection but even so he was covered in sticky goodness:) It was so fun even if it did only last a few minutes.

I'm new at this so I haven't quite figured out how to post a video but if you click on the title of this post it will bring you to a video of my sunday building portion! Enjoy :)


Jessica said...

Oh, today was fantastic! I think it was worth getting up by 5:45, don't you?? Especially for those Costco muffins... :) By the way, you looked great on tv! A natural, I must admit. Today was just a great day. :)

Melissa said...

Why thank you!! And today was fantastic wasn't it? But I'm pretty sure your day was amazing for a different reason than mine ;) hehe