Sunday, May 23, 2010

Being a Dilley

Ok, so pretty much I have the best cousins ever. And I'm not just saying that. Sometimes I feel like we are more like siblings than cousins. I probably hang out with them more than anyone else. We do some pretty cool stuff too. Like last night my cousin Travis who just got home from the Dominican Republic taught me some jujitsu moves. We play card games for hours, watch the Office and Avatar (last air bender, not the movie), and go on the best vacations. I don't mean to the coolest places but just have the most fun. Whether its camping, boating, Las Vegas, or North Dakota, we always have a blast.

This coming Wednesday, all of my cousins on my Mom's side are going up to North Dakota. Everyone (even Clarke and Nathan) is going. Thank goodness we like each other or the 18 hour car ride would be horrible. We're going up to the reservation and are going to learn about more of our heritage and traditions from tribal elders. We also get to go to a pow wow, and some of us might even get to receive our indian names. I'm super excited! I know it will be tons of fun because even though we are going to be in the middle of nowhere, I'll be with my cousins.

I feel extremely lucky to be blessed with the cousins I have. Not everyone is close to their cousins or even have very many. Some people haven't even met all their cousins. My word of advise? Get to know them, then make them your best friends. Family will be there your whole life; unlike friends they never change or go away. You might as well like them right? Being a Dilley in our family is more than just a last name. Being a Dilley comes with a love for lots of food and cuddling, the "Dilley grace", a weird sense of humor, and an unnatural talent for napping. Even though this picture is a couple of year old, I think it describes the Dilley Clan perfectly!

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