Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So as I mentioned in my last post today is National Eat What You Want Day. In celebration I decided to make cinnamon rolls. Not just any cinnamon rolls but huge, gooey, delicious cinnamon rolls. I knew the only place to find such a recipe for these desired rolls would be A Bountiful Kitchen. It just so happened that she had posted a new cinnamon roll recipe. Now that I'm finished with all my AP classes, I actually have time to cook, something I had to cut out in order to study. It was really fun to be cooking again. The cinnamon rolls turned out yummy, guessing from how fast my family ate them :)


Jessica said...

ugggghhhh.... I wish I had time to make yummy cinammon rolls on a "Day" like today. ;) I'm still stuck doing math homework. :P PS I love A Bountiful Kitchen. I've never tried her recipes but they look sooooo good! :P (this time the tounge on the smiley was one licking it's lips) hee hee

Lisa Childs said...

I was gonna say you should use Si's recipe!!I'm proud to say that I was the one who introduced you ladies to the wonders of ABK;)