Friday, May 21, 2010


Two weeks. That's it, just two weeks. I'm still deciding if that seems like forever or a blink of an eye. On one hand, this has definitely been the hardest year for me academically. Full of stressful classes and sleepless nights. I feel like The Little Engine that Could, telling myself over and over "I think I can, I think I can". Summer is in reach, and I'm almost there. But then I stop and realize, this school year ending means next year I will be a senior. A senior. Being a senior means college prep and growing up. That's not supposed to happen for a long time, yet in two weeks it's going to happen. Scary huh? So, two weeks, here I come!


Anonymous said...

Junior year is by far the hardest... at least academically. Senior year is a BLAST, its just slightly emotional at the end. haha

Emily said...

it's the little engine that could. i don't know where the red caboose came from. . . haha.