Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

This day has been so full with fun, family, and lots of yummy food! I am extremely grateful and aware of how blessed I am. I could just go on and on about everything I am thankful but for sake of time I've cut it down to three things.

1) My family- I know how cliche this sounds but it couldn't be more true. My family is awesome. Not only do I love them but I like them too! This includes my extended family especially my cousins. My siblings and cousins are my best friends and we all get along so well and have an insanely amount of fun when we are together. I also have the most selfless parents and grandparents. They are the best examples to me.

2) Opportunities- I have been so blessed in my life with great opportunities. A lot of the time I take them for granted and I'm working on being more aware of them. So many people to do not have the opportunities I do and a lot of the time I focus so much
on what I don't have I forget about all I do have.

3) The Gospel- Having the gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest blessing in my life. The sense of comfort and peace the gospel brings is amazing. The knowledge it brings me helps me everyday and in all I do. I'm so thankful for that.

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!!!

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