Monday, November 22, 2010


Harry Potter 7 and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
-AMAZING!!!! I saw it at midnight and I LOVED it!
-It followed the book really well
-I wished it would have been a bit longer; it felt a little rushed especially the Malfoy Manor part
-They should have included the scene where Harry says goodbye to the Dursleys and there is that moment with Dudley...I love that part
-The best of all the movies so far

Hunger Games
-Finished all three books in 3 days, yeah they're that good
-The first book is definitely the best out of the the three
-I'm a Peeta fan all the way
-Best series I've read in a long time
-Last book...ugh what was Susanne thinking. I was really mad how it played out and it seemed really rushed

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