Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So I finished my college applications today. A part of me feels I'm not old enough to go to college, or to even apply for college. The other part of me is ready for college and really excited. I'm sorta torn. I'm also torn between schools. I've always wanted to go to BYU for as long as I can remember. Both my parents graduated from BYU and I have two sisters currently attending BYU. But then as I was looking around at other schools, I discovered at USU I qualified for a scholarship. A good scholarship. A scholarship that I would never be able to get at BYU. So the question is should I go to school for free or pay to go to my dream school. BYU is still my first choice but its hard to just turn my head at free school at a really good university. I've got people pulling me in both directions, but ultimately I know its not their choice, it's mine. And I think that makes it a bit scarier. This is the first major decision I've had to make in my life. My choice will affect who, the friends I'll meet, the career I'll have, and who I'll marry. This seems a lot for an 18 year old to decide, especially one who just wrote her college application essay about ice cream. Neither choice is bad; it comes down to good and better. I just have to decide which is which. Wish me luck and I'll let you know when I pick!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You basically just read my mind. Not kidding. I don't think even 5 minutes ago I put as my status on Facebook, "Kinda freaking out about college. It just... hit me." I'm seriously scared out of my mind but SO excited at the same time. And we're both kind of in the same jam. Ah! Crazy. It really is too much decision for an 18 year old to handle... thank you for posting this. It pretty much expressed in words what I've been thinking for the past 2 hours, and it actually comforted me, knowing that I'm not the only one in this world worrying about college. :)