Sunday, February 13, 2011


My Stake President is awesome. Really, really awesome. He's big guy in stature (about 6'5" and hands the size of plates) and personality. He is also the best story teller ever! Today he spoke in our ward's conference and I wish he would have kept going for hours. I could listen to him all day talk about socks or Q-tips or really anything and it would be absolutely captivating. He's a spiritual giant and makes me want to be better just by being around him. The thing I love most about him is the way you can tell he loves every single person in our stake individually, especially the youth. He says hi to me by name whenever I see him and gives me a big smile and handshake. I also have to give him the "Funnest President Award". He's huge on pranks and this year he even brought a fire truck to our youth conferences water fight!! They don't come better than him :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow, you summed that up perfectly! He's definitely in the top 10 of the most influential people in my life. I feel so lucky to have him as our Stake President.